
LitmusRisk (Construction and Engineering)

LitmusRisk underwrites short-tail construction and engineering products located in Canada, EEA and as a Lloyd’s coverholder, in addition to facilitating the Underwriting of US products.

The portfolio is focused on 4-walled construction of wood frame or concrete properties with target occupancies being residential, student, retirement, education and light industrial (non-hot processes).

Supporting the LitmusRisk approach is a suite of reporting and data management tools that facilitate the reduction in traditional distribution costs typically associated with such specialist products, as well as identifying trends that further develop the product offering, and providing fronting insurers, reinsurance carriers, and brokers alike with timely CAT modelling, aggregation and earnings information.

With Facilities in the CEE, Canada and most recently the United States, LitmusRisk is linking an innovative underwriting process with new risk management and control technologies unique to the builders risk market.

Rupert Allhusen


Rupert joined White Bear Managers in 2019 to establish LitmusRisk. Prior to joining White Bear, Rupert worked for the Talbot Syndicate for more than a decade leading and developing Construction and Terrorism facilities, packaging risks from specific business sectors or geographies. A number of these gained regulatory approval from Lloyd’s of London with regional intermediaries gaining Lloyd’s Coverholder Status as part of the process.

+44 (0)203 889 8124

Barney Preece

Underwriting Assistant

+44 (0)203 889 8113