
Diversity & Inclusion Statement

This statement sets out the Diversity and Inclusion Policy for the White Bear group (“White Bear”) and confirms our zero-tolerance approach to discrimination of any kind in any areas of our business.

White Bear values the benefits that diversity of its workforce brings to its businesses and promotes the inclusion of different perspectives and ideas, which in turn promotes the success of the business and makes for better corporate governance.

White Bear is committed to providing a working environment free from victimisation or harassment and encourages a supportive, respectful and inclusive culture amongst the whole of our workforce which aligns to our company values and behaviours. White Bear is committed to providing equality, diversity, inclusion and fairness to all our staff, contractors, agency workers, consultants and visitors to our offices and will not provide less favourable facilities or treatment on the grounds of age, disability, gender, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race (including, colour, nationality and ethnic or national origin), religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation (‘protected characteristics’).

White Bear expects all employees, officers and directors to comply with the group’s policies and procedures which set out a developed set of values and behaviours. All staff will be given help and encouragement to develop their full potential and utilise their talents. This enables the company to create an environment where individual differences and contributions of all team members is recognised and valued.

The board of each group company is responsible for setting the tone from the top in realising our desired culture and for ensuring that our values and behaviours are embedded and experience by staff.

Embedding our commitment

White Bear is an equal opportunities employer and has in place the necessary policies and procedures to ensure compliance with relevant legislation. White Bear takes steps to ensure a diverse pool of talent within the recruitment process and ensures that the best person is recruited or promoted regardless of any of the protected characteristics. When selecting candidates for employment, promotion, training or any other benefit, it will be based on an individual’s experience, skills, relevant qualifications, aptitude and ability.

To achieve our objectives, White Bear:

  • Ensures the board of each group company promotes the desired culture and monitors the delivery and success of that culture through oversight activities.
  • Promotes a working environment of inclusion and belonging, that treats everyone with dignity and equality in line with our values and behaviours.
  • Values and reflects the full diversity of our workforce, customers and service providers.
  • Makes training, development and progression opportunities available to all staff.
  • Has in place succession plans which are regularly reviewed.
  • Ensures relevant skills, qualifications, experience, aptitude and ability are the only basis for recruitment, access to development opportunities and promotion decisions.
  • Builds a culture that educates all our workforce to learn and listen, support each other and become allies.
  • Has a zero tolerance approach to all forms of discrimination, harassment and bullying.
  • Encourages anyone who feels they have been subject to discrimination or other inappropriate behaviour to raise their concerns via our grievance procedure or anti-harassment and bullying policy.
  • Makes any reasonable adjustments or accommodations for those with a disability.
  • Regularly reviews all our employment practices and procedures to ensure they continue to reflect and support our aspirations.
  • Works to identify and remove any barriers that may exist to achieving our goals.

White Bear encourages all staff to feel confident, have a voice and speak up to exposure any wrongdoing without any risk to themselves.

White Bear is committed to the highest principles of personal and professional conduct and our staff training is designed to ensure that these standards of behaviour are communicated to every individual who works for the group. Furthermore, as part of the group’s performance management process, staff are assessed against meeting the group’s values and behaviours, which include treating people fairly and with respect and compliance with law and regulations. White Bear takes a strict approach to breaches of our policies, which will be dealt with in accordance with our Disciplinary Procedures, and may lead to dismissal.


The board and board appointments

White Bear seeks to maintain subsidiary boards (“board”) comprised of talented and dedicated directors with a diverse mix of expertise, experience, skills, and backgrounds to provide the governance to enable the respective business to meet the reasonable expectations of all their stakeholders. The board must have the capacity to challenge across the full range of the firm’s business.

For purposes of board composition, diversity includes, but is not limited to, business experience, skills, knowledge, qualifications, geography, age, gender, social mobility, and ethnicity.

White Bear is committed to a skills-based system for board composition within a diverse and inclusive culture which solicits multiple perspectives and views and is free of conscious or unconscious bias and discrimination.

When assessing board composition or identifying suitable candidates for appointment or re-election to the board, candidates will be considered on merit against objective criteria having due regard to the benefits of diversity and the needs of the board.

During the recruitment process for a board and/or Executive position, White Bear will seek to identify not only the skills, knowledge and experience required for that position, but also the behaviours, skills, knowledge, and experience that benefit the board more broadly. Recruitment firms are asked to prepare longlists which reflect a diverse talent pool. The board skills-based matrix will be reviewed to aid with this process.

Executive Director job descriptions include role outlines that accurately reflect the duties and responsibilities of the job and include relevant selection criteria which are job related. The job description also identifies behaviours, skills, knowledge, and experience that would promote more diversity to increase and provide appropriate levels of challenge.


Training and monitoring

White Bear monitors the make up of our workforce regarding information such as age, sex, gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability and social mobility using this data to meet the aims and commitments set out in this policy. Monitoring will also include assessing how our policies and supporting action plans are working in practice, reviewing them annually and considering and taken action to address any issues.

White Bear continues to provide training to all staff in respect of the principles set out in this policy and associated policies and procedures.


Organisational structure

White Bear is an independent hub for underwriting expertise. The group holding company, White Bear Capital Limited, has four subsidiaries: Blenheim Underwriting Limited (Blenheim), White Bear Managers Ltd (WBM) including its subsidiary WBM (US) LLC, White Bear Corporate Services Ltd (WBCS) and White Bear Corporate Capital Limited (WBCC) collectively referred to as “White Bear” or “the group”.

Blenheim Underwriting Limited (Blenheim) is the Lloyd’s managing agent for Blenheim Syndicate 5886 and is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and the PRA as well as Lloyd’s.

White Bear Managers Ltd (WBM) is a UK insurance intermediary, authorised and regulated by the FCA in the UK, and authorised by the Guernsey Financial Services Commission as an Insurance Manager in Guernsey. WBM acts as Managing General Agent (MGA) for a number of (re)insurance entities. WBM also has a wholly owned subsidiary, WBM (US) LLC established in the United States.

White Bear Corporate Capital Limited (WBCC) is a Lloyd’s Corporate Member which participates on Syndicate 5886.

White Bear Corporate Services Ltd (Services) is a UK limited company providing group services to all White Bear group companies and employs all group staff.